Finance Council
According to the requirements of the Code of Canon Law, in every diocese a finance council is to be established, over which the diocesan bishop himself or his delegate presides and which consists of at least three (3) members of the Christian faithful who are truly experts in financial affairs and civil law, outstanding in integrity and appointed by the bishop (can.492). The functions of the finance council as defined by the law of the church is to guide and advise the bishop on matters relating to the management of church funds and other church property. Which is why it is essentially required of the members of the finance council, whether clergy or lay faithful, to be experts in monetary issues and civil law. Their financial and civil law expertise rather than their ecclesiastical status is what recommends their place on the council board. The finance council is responsible for the annual preparation of the diocesan budget and the annual review of the diocesan financial report prepared by the finance officer (procurator). The finance council also draws up financial policies for the diocese and examines the financial report of the year’s income and expense activities (can.493). The following people are the members of the finance council for the Catholic diocese of Zaria and they meet quarterly:
- Most Rev. George Jonathan Dodo– Local Ordinary
- Fr. Henry Atuma – Vicar General
- Fr. Augustine Isek– Judicial Vicar
- Fr. Peter Tanko – Dean, Samaru Deanery
- Fr. Michael Kagarko – Finance Officer (Procurator)
- Fr. Lawrence Gana Bakut – Dean, Sabon Gari Deanery
- Fr. Emmanuel Ezema – Dean, Ikara Deanery