Coat of Arms and Motto

coat of arm

Coat of Arms and Motto of Zaria Diocese

The coat of arms of Zaria diocese is designed to bear the head gear of the Pope, the Supreme Pontiff, at the very top, with cincture or girdle falling down on either side. In between the two sides of the cincture, that is immediately bellow the hat, is the shape of a heart with the cross right under the Pope’s hat. The cross is the Christian identity. The heart is divided into three parts like the map of our country Nigeria. The upper part of the heart contains the northern knot, which symbolizes that Zaria diocese is situated in the northern part of Nigeria.

On the left side of the heart is a cotton tree, a cash crop popular to Zazzau. It does not matter which routes one takes to Zaria: whether from Sokoto, Kano, Jos, or Kaduna, one cannot enter the town without seeing glaringly the cotton trees of Zazzau. This popular plant may be compared to the  mustard seed in the gospel of Mark 4:26-34. Zaria will continue to grow like the mustard seed so that many may find shelter and peace in the shade of its branches.

Zaria being a centre of learning, the open bible on the left side of the heart signifies that the Christians in Zaria diocese will not only be nourished by the systematic knowledge of Western education, but also by the divine knowledge of God through his dive Word, the Bible – which is always alive and active. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the colours which make up the coat of arms is green, which is a sign of agriculture and hope, as farming is the major occupation of the indigenes of Zaria diocese.

At the foot of the heart-shape logo is a strip of cloth slightly bent to achieve a bow shape. On this piece of cloth is written the motto of Zaria diocese, which reads: “That We May Be One.” As the riser, limbs, cams, bowstring, cables and arrow work together to achieve a common aim, so will Zaria diocese perform greatly when united in mind and purpose.